Monday, September 14, 2009

the wonders of being distracted

I've been sitting here for over 2 hours now trying to write this letter for class and so far all I have typed in is my name, the class, and the date. I can't for the life of me decide what to write it on! So I'm sitting here staring at my computer screen just thinking about the possibilities. Which then makes me realize how much I HATE my laptop. I have one of those tiny netbooks that you can barely even fit an entire internet screen on unless you have the words extremely small. It gives me the worst headache. It probably doesn't help that I don't wear my glasses, but in all honesty, those give me a headache because they aren't the right prescription. As I sit here and contemplate how much I hate my laptop and how much I wish i could buy myself a new one I realize another problem. The lack of money that I have. I work 2 jobs and am still flat broke. Does anyone else seem to have that problem? All my money goes to bill and gas and food. Why does the cost of living always seem to outweigh the amount your actual pay check is every single time? Which from there I start thinking about my move to Carbondale that is coming up in a few months. I wonder if I'll be able to make it down there. If I'll have the money to support my family. The courage to start at a university. SWIC has always been my safe bet. I wasn't wasting a lot of money on something I'm not 100% sure is what I really want to do with my life. I'm scared to leave my parents. Even if it is only an hour and a half away. Life is full of distractions, which is why I probably shouldn't have waited til the day before the paper is due to write it... because now I'm only distracted by what life has decided to throw my way..

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I never liked those netbooks but I do not like laptops really. Money is a hard issue right now, but that is likely why you are going to college then is to find a job that could support you and your family better. Good luck in Carbondale! I am told it is a wonderful area.
