Tuesday, November 3, 2009

halloween and my birthday

My birthday was pretty awesome. I didn't get to go to 6 flags because it was cold and raining so we just went the the bar a played pool. I didn't get drunk like most people get on their 21st but I also had to go home and take care of my daughter. I had a lot of fun though. I went to the casino for the first time too and lost about 40 bucks. I didn't mind losing because I still got to spend alone time with my husband and just hang out for a little while baby free. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with her, but I need some adult conversation and not all baby talk.

Halloween was great. My little girl was minnie mouse. She was so adorable. She walked around holding her little elmo basket all night and got to have her first sucker. She didn't really understand what was going on but she figured out when she smiled she got more candy. She loved it. We took her to a halloween party for kids and she was in a costume contest but didn't win. She should have tho because she was so much cuter then the pig that won. I guess I'm bias though. Can't wait until next year when she can go around and know a little more about whats going on! Time to start planning her costume so we can win that contest!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had both a good birthday and a good Halloween. Sounds as if your birthday was special w/o being crazy. I bet your daughter was cute.
